Committee Planting Of Wildlife-Friendly Small Trees And Shrubs On Site

It was resolved at the last Committee meeting, that the planting of low-maintenance, visually-pleasing subjects at various locations on the PPA site would bring benefits to pollinators and to other wildlife. Suitable specimens would ideally have long flowering seasons, bear fruit, be shade-tolerant, and be slow-growing or only reach a modest final height.

.Hypericum Hidcote – St. John’s wort, has a very long flowering season and is strongly attractive to beneficial insects. It also provides shelter beneath for larger animals.

However, although the land in PPA site was assigned by deed to PPAA as tenant – in the form of a “rolling lease” – the Council imposed certain conditions, one being that no such plantings by the Tenant Association would take place without Council consent, and so naturally this proposal depends on no Council objection. (It’s incidentally apparent then, that no third party may carry out such plantings without the assent of both PPAA and the Council.) Following on from the recent Biodiversity Workshop, PPAA are also liaising with Emma Morgan, Cardiff’s Biodiversity officer on this and related topics.

Elder – the fragrance of midsummer, with berries and nesting places for birds.

PPAA will carry out a costing for sourcing suitable subjects, but are there plot holders whose gardens are becoming overcrowded by maturing shrubs, and who would be willing to donate some of them for this purpose, rather than to throw them away when it comes to rationalising their plantings?

Fuchsia riccartonii – very long flowering, hardy, shade-tolerant and fruit-bearing

It must be emphasised, that owing to the very limited volunteer effort available for maintenance, such plantings can’t be of fast-growing subjects, which attain a large final height such as blackthorn, and so on. Items with viciously-injurious thorns are also unsuitable for obvious reasons.

Elder cultivar “black lace” – all the benefits of wild elder with an attractive foliage and flower colour.

No doubt this – what can only be described as pleasant – conversation will continue, and PPAA – here’s their contact page – would gratefully welcome any offers for help, donations of suitable small trees and shrubs, or whatever!