Riverside Community Garden

A Community Tenancy for these plots has been created for Cardiff Salad Garden starting from 1st April 2024, and formal association with Grow Cardiff has now ended – PPAA Website Team

The sustaining party – Cardiff Salad Garden – for Riverside Community Gardens is a paying tenant – like all of us plot holders – of PPA plots 148, 150, and 152, shown red on the site plan. That is, of part of the land subject to the legally-binding Local Management Agreement between the Council and PPAA. Therefore they’re subject – except for specific Council Dispensations in the public interest – to the terms and conditions of tenancy, just as are the rest of us plot holders, and so they’re part of the “us”.

They’re a significant, prominent, and welcome presence on the site, with their three plots occupying some twenty-seven perches, and their quite numerous enthusiasts, volunteers and visitors keeping that part of the site busy. For this reason we think that it’s right that their logo should feature on this site’s Front Page and sidebar.

In addition they also occupy – on an informal, permissive basis, with the assent of both the Council and PPAA Committee – a disused shady plot in the corner*, and part of the car park* for their office, shelter, storage etc.

RCG’s aims and activities are described on their lively FaceBook pages. Readers interested in participation, visits etc. are therefore referred to that site, which is also the place for related chat within the community of their volunteers and attendees.

Below is a collection of slides reproduced – with acknowledgements – from their FaceBook pages

* Although these areas are shown as plots on the plan with the current LMA, the Council have removed them from the list of plots subject to letting.

PPA Website Team