Minutes of Pontcanna Permanent Allotment Association – 25 July 2018

Present: Sue Jones (Site Secretary), Jenny Howell (Chair), Wendy Gunter (Treasurer), Dan Phillips, Richard Masterman, Ian Douglas, Ray Edwards, Martin Pasek (Operational Support) Apologies: Alex Brown. General attendees: None.

Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising – Jenny.

Owl nesting boxes. Richard said that he has obtained a quote from a tree surgery contractor to install the two boxes at £320, and with the likely cost of the boxes, this would come to roughly £500 total. He understood that Council consent is required, but has received no responses from several enquiries that he has made so far. The Committee proposed to view this non-response as acquiescence after a reasonable period has elapsed. AP Richard.

Legacy power tools. Richard said that his work re servicing and safety checking the tools was ongoing. AP Richard.

 Following Sue’s enquiry to the Council re possible future tool hire, she learned that other sites do not charge hire, but that Association membership fees cover access to power tools. There is a nominal sum towards fuel and maintenance too. A liability waiver must also be signed by the user. Membership fees in these cases were higher than PPAA’s £5. AP Sue.

It was agreed that when appropriate, the surplus PPAA tools would be offered to PPAA members for first refusal. AP Dan, Richard.

 New Agenda Items – Jenny.

Site Secretary’s report. Sue said that there are two new plot holders on 109B and on 113A. She attended the Brick Shed Working Group meeting on 05/07/18. However, she reported that matters are at a standstill, until the Council’s surveyor has assessed the condition of all cubicles. Dan suggested that, on whatever basis control of them might subsequently be handed to PPAA, the Council arrange for the removal of all remaining asbestos from the roofs first. AP Sue.

The Committee cordially welcome the two new tenants.

Shop – Ian. Ian has spent quite some time sorting through the shop contents, and several issues have been identified. The building is an unpleasant and probably unsafe environment in which to be. There is evidence of a serious rodent problem. There is insufficient light to work safely. There is likely a hazardous fungal spore burden in the air.

The Committee agreed that whilst it might be possible to resolve these problems, until the scope of demand for a shop among plot holders becomes clear, it would be unwise to commit extensive resources to doing this. Sue will publicise on FB etc. AP Sue.

It was agreed that Committee members should think widely about possible ways forward and put these in writing to the Committee Chair by 31st August for distribution to the Committee before the meeting. Any written comments from other plot holders would also be welcome and taken into account. AP all.

The Committee thank Ian, along with Ray and Dan, for their work in connection with the shop.

Any Other Business

Dogs loose on site – Wendy. Wendy said that she had seen two rampaging about people’s plots, but that they perhaps did not belong to a plot holder. Rather they might have been a dog walker’s in the park, and entered, perhaps under a gate.

Plot holders are encouraged to be vigilant, and to try to identify the owners of any loose animals causing problems.

PPAA membership engagement – Dan. Dan expressed concern, that he sometimes perceived a detachment from PPAA as an entity among plot holders. He invited proposals as to how to address this, and suggested events and social functions. Other suggestions included colourful banners or flags on site (as displayed by the RCG) publicising the body and its websites etc. AP all.

There was no further business, and the meeting ended at 1942. The next meeting will again be at the Butcher’s Arms Canton, on Wednesday 05/09/2018, at 1900 sharp. (There will be no meeting in August).