Minutes of PPAA – 10th July 2019

Present: Sue Jones (Site Secretary), Jenny Howell (Chair), Wendy Gunter (Treasurer), Ian Douglas, Martin Pasek (Operational Support) Apologies: Alex Brown, Dan Phillips, Richard Masterman. General attendees: None.

Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising – Jenny.

Site Secretary’s report. Sue reported that there are no new tenants, and that the site is full, bar one plot temporarily needed for works access.

However, Sue went on to say that her core site business has come to a halt, owing to severe communication problems with the Council’s relevant staff. Sue has spoken with other CAHA reps and found that she is not alone. Neither emails nor the ‘phone are being answered.

There is a new system too. Once requested, the lists of those waiting, of holders, and of available plots, are posted on a council portal, for the Site Secretary, to access securely electronically. They no longer contain addresses, which can make communicating with plot holders and potential plot holders very difficult, especially if email addresses and/or ‘phone numbers are either unavailable or incorrect.

She has made a number of enquiries as to what the underlying problem is, but nothing conclusive has emerged so far. It was agreed to take the matter further, to whatever level might be required to resolve the difficulties.

Wendy commented, that she too has been unable to obtain any information, as to this year’s Grant – it should have been paid in May.

Raised Agenda Items – Jenny.

Composting toilet – Ian. Ian reported that there is interest among plot holders, in having these facilities, if possible, towards the southeast end of the site.

Sue mentioned that the Council let plots on the site on the basis that it is defined as one without toilets. Jenny added, that those which are charge higher rentals. However, it was agreed that a major problem, as with other proposals, is that with only very few active Committee members, there simply is not the volunteer effort available to project manage the installation, nor to maintain it afterwards.

Security – Ian. There have been reports of thefts and criminal damage to sheds etc. Two youths on bicycles have been seen loitering by the gates, and attempting to follow in tenants. They were excluded on that occasion. The southeast gate has also been found unlocked at times.

Tenants are reminded always to lock the gate immediately after use, both on entering and on leaving, and never to admit strangers. Please be vigilant, and report crimes to the police.

Restoration of land behind poly tunnel – Sue. Sue said that her work to find a suitable contractor to deal with all the issues remains on-going.

Shop – Richard, Ian. The type of operation which would probably be possible was envisaged. It would likely consist of limited opening, say, a monthly Sunday morning during the growing season, and publicised sale days.

Richard kindly emailed a newsletter detailing this, and a list of items for a two-day clearance sale, proposed for the weekend of 20/21st July. It was agreed to publicise these electronically, and on the notice boards.

Email agenda items from Dan – Jenny. Jenny proposed the deferral of these items until a better-attended meeting.

Any Other Business

Thanks to Council – Jenny. Jenny remarked on how pleasant she found the meadow areas project in the park nearby, and was joined by all in thanking the Council for this idea.

There was no further business and the meeting ended at 2010.

Provisionally, the next PPAA meeting will be on Wednesday, 28th August, at the Butcher’s Arms, Canton, at 1900.

1 thought on “Minutes of PPAA – 10th July 2019”

  1. I should just like to rectify the fact revPontcanna Meadow. It was my idea to stop the mowing and I brought the Cardiff Civic Society on board. I arrange the planting, mowing, and raking of grasses with volunteers. With the help of Mark Cummings council officer in charge of maintenance of this area.


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